Millions of ModCloth Dresses

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

I fell onto on Perez Hilton's blog. I'm obsessed with this web retailer! There's a style and silhouette for everyone. I particularly love the 40s and 50s inspired pieces. 

Millions of dresses from Abercrombie and Fitch

Monday, June 28, 2010

I thought that I had abandoned Abercrombie and Fitch already and I hate that I went onto their website and fell for them again. I have been looking for some cute sun dresses and I couldn't find any until today. I want all of them! And most of them are on sale! I love that A&F lowered their prices finally. Hmmmm, I smell a shopping trip coming up soon....

Millions of things from Tous

Friday, June 25, 2010

I always forget about Tous. When I worked at Max Studio @ Fashion Valley, SD I would see women from Mexico City wearing Tous all the time. But every time I go to there site, I end up wanting everything! 
I love their little bear <3

Millions of pink rooms!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

I've been continuing my search for interior design ideas and I've found a lot of pink inspired rooms that I like. I wanted to stay away from pink because I used to have a pink room and it drove me crazy! But the more I looked, the more I liked the idea.

Millions of cute things from Oscar de la Renta!

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

So here are some looks from Oscar de la Renta Fall 2010. LOVE!! And lately I've been obsessed with green and he had a lot of green. If I could choose one designer to wear for the rest of my life, I think it would be ODLR.

Saw this guy in the new Bazaar on Kathrine Heigl on P. 150 to be exact. The whole spread was amazing actually.

Cute LBD!

Could wear this anywhere.

Millions of ideas for re-decorating.... :D

So I will be moving from SD, CA to Denver, CO pretty soon and I've been thinking about how I want to redecorate. My apt right now is a mess and nothing is in sync. I really like bold statement pieces and damask prints. And upholstery, lots of it!



Love this couch.

Striped ceiling? Hmmm

Jill Zarin's kid is pretty lucky.